It's time to stop making bolognese sauce

What are you making harder than it has to be, ?

For me, it was a bolognese sauce.

This week, I decided I was going to make bolognese sauce for dinner. We have been eating out of to-go containers more than I like recently, so I thought I'd make something homemade and we would actually sit down and eat at the same time around the same table for a change.

And then...My client call ran waaaay late and I didn't get off the phone until after 6. So what do I do? I fly into the kitchen like I'm on an episode of Chopped and start whipping things together. I'm chopping... I'm sauteing... I'm actually sweating at one point.

Meanwhile, the family is circling. Asking questions about "how much longer?" Digging in the pantry for a snack to tide them over.

I can feel the "hangry" right around the corner.

I slapped that bolognese sauce together and we sat down to eat. And it was terrible.

Here's the thing about making bolognese...It takes time.

I know it. I know that the longer it sits the better it gets. I know that my favorite part is stirring it off and on all Sunday afternoon in anticipation. I know it takes time.

So, why did I make this harder than it had to be? I'm not in competition for a Mother of the Year award. No one is tracking the number of takeout cartons in my house. My kids could care less.

I don't know why I made it harder, honestly. But, it made me realize that this is only one example in my life where I'm putting in more effort than is example where I could have chosen ease and I didn't. Maybe it was the internalized hustle and productivity culture, maybe it was mom guilt, who knows?

What I do know is that I'm going to continue to practice connecting with what is happening RIGHT NOW. Making decisions based on what I need in the moment. Choosing ease.

Where can you choose ease today? What can you release to make it easier?

(And, when the kids commented that they would rather have had the jar of sauce from the pantry...I wasn't even mad. I would rather have had that too.)

Choose easy this week my friend. Life might be hard in this season, don't make it any harder than it has to be!


Guess what I'm celebrating?


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