Sometimes things don't go as planned

We get to choose whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I'm going with good on this one...

This week, a bright and shiny, official-looking envelope arrived with my very first trademark document. Because it has been FOREVER since I registered for it, I didn't realize what it was, promptly ripped open the envelope, bent the paper, and then dropped it on the ground and stepped on it.

My first thought was, "Well, that didn't go as I planned."

To be fair, I didn't exactly have champagne chilling in anticipation...but I did envision it as slightly more important than a moment squeezed between sorting through bills and making dinner.

And then, I just started laughing. Of course. This is EXACTLY as I planned it.

Professional, but not stuffy.
Legitimate, but not too serious.
Firm, but a little wrinkled around the edges.

Just like me.
Just like my journey with Unshakeable Women.

It has been quite a journey.

Did you know that when I started my business 5 years ago, my plan was to work exclusively with women leaders full time? I love working with women leaders (Obviously. You are amazing.), but I realized that my experience and my desire to help leaders see the human first in everything they do needed to be in organizations too.

So, over the years, Unshakeable Women has taken the form of Group Coaching, Coaching Dinners, Masterclasses, and in 2020 The Collective membership community. The Collective membership is another thing that didn't go as planned...for me.

And, it's for the good too.

Remember 2020?
Ha! We were all craving community and connection, so I was thrilled to be able to serve through building this online membership community. I was especially thrilled to introduce you to my circle of amazing teachers/friends who came alongside me for the Monthly Masterclasses. Our time together was uplifting and energizing.

But then, it ran its course. We were all Zoomed out, tired of screens, and sick of life in 2D. (That includes me.)

Now it's 2022. We are all still craving community and connection, in different and deeper ways. And that, my friends, is where my zone of genius is... creating events and experiences that build community, activate dreams, and leave space for magic.

So, are you curious about what's next?!
(Me too!)

If you want to be on the Insider's List to be the first to know about the events I'm dreaming about now, click here to join!

I'm learning, over and over again, that sometimes when things don't go as planned, it is for the better. And, I'm choosing to see the good...even when it's a little wrinkled.

Thank you for being a part of this journey! Excited for what's next!


It’s all too much, isn’t it?


So, about last weekend...