We've agreed that the new year starts in February now

We've agreed that the new year now starts in February.

Well friends, if the response to last week's email is any indication, we are aligned that now is the time for wintering!  And, if you're in the Midwest like me where the temps are in single digits, it's kind of hard to ignore!

At dinner with some of my dear friends last week, we were talking about what it means to be "wintering" and my wise friend, Dianne, dropped this little pearl of wisdom:

"January is for hibernating, not accelerating."

Yes to that, right?!

The embedded, almost unconscious, push to accelerate at the beginning of the year is a challenging pattern to pull back from. It can feel very uncomfortable, as though we're not keeping up, being lazy, or have lost our drive.  None of these things are true. But they might feel that way!

So, if you're one of those to whom the idea of wintering struck a chord, please know that you are not alone!  The responses I've received to that email are some of the highest I've received in a while, so many of us are feeling this way!

I'm hearing from others that they are not quite sure what "wintering" looks like, so I thought I'd share some examples of what I heard from many of you and offer some of my own as inspiration. (Hit Reply and share yours too!)

Wintering looks like:

  • Lighting your favorite candle and letting it burn all day while you work

  • Going to bed 30 minutes early to snuggle in and read for some extra time

  • Doing a "soup swap" with a neighbor.  You're making soup anyway, might as well double it and swap! (Right, Heidi?!)

  • Taking an extra long shower and using all the good products

  • Dining out at a cozy restaurant, sitting by a fireplace with friends

  • Planning a trip with family/friends to look forward to

  • Letting the car really warm up (seat heaters on if you've got them!) before you hop in

  • Ordering in dinner

  • Easing into your morning practices and taking twice as long as you normally would

  • Watching your favorite Netflix show while you eat lunch

  • Roasting peppers in the middle of the day (They aren't going to roast themselves, right Priya?!)

  • Massaging your hands with amazing, thick hand cream

  • Playing legos (by yourself or with others, right Carrie?!), coloring, painting, knitting

  • Stretching your body, make yourself big before you curl up on the couch

  • Whatever feels like it creates space, softness, and slowing down...

What a beautiful season this is.

I'm learning deep lessons in this time already. I'm paying attention to what my body, my business, and my relationships are asking for ... and considering how to fulfill those needs in a way that is nourishing, easeful, and fun.

I'm curious what this new way of being will bring about in me ... and in you.

P.S. Did you know that wintering can happen at any time of the year?

If you're interested in exploring this idea further, I highly recommend this book! It's a lovely way to consider how nature teaches us in the various seasons of our lives.


"It's ok to use your block"


Don't Act Like Summer When It's Winter