When it's just not working...

When you're doing ALL THE THINGS ...
and it's still not working.

How about doing ONE THING instead?

I'll say it upfront, I SUCK at doing one thing at a time. When I hear people talk about focusing on one thing, getting into the zone, etc. I usually think they are full of crap. My mental talk track goes something like this, "must be nice", "who has time for that?", "you probably don't have to work". If that's you too, buckle up...

One thing you might not know about me is that I can be intense. Really intense. Every personality profile I've ever taken shows that (or you could just ask my hubby, Derek). This served me well over the years, until it didn't.

I approached the practice of personal development in the same way, with intensity. It's really important to me that I practice what I preach and what I share with you here.

So, if I'm talking to you about journaling or meditating or a podcast,
I've done it.
Lighting a candle and doing some reflection,
I've done it.
When it comes to a new way to breathe I suggest to you,
I've done it.

So, when I got sidelined earlier this spring with a vertigo episode that landed me in the ER, I approached it as I normally would: What’s the plan?

What I found out is that my vertigo condition (which is a vestibular migraine, a neurological condition like a migraine headache) will flare up when I'm doing too many things at once, or when I have been doing too many things for too long.

Now I HAVE TO focus on one thing at a time. I HAVE TO take care of myself by being rested, hydrated, and nourished.  I HAVE TO pay attention to my schedule and not stretch myself too thin.  

If I don't, my body will lay me out flat on the floor. How's that for intensity?!

I have to be honest, it's a little embarrassing for me to admit this...
I turned my wellness and development practice into tasks on my to-do list.
O U C H.

I'm sharing this though, because I have heard from so many of you with stories of how your health has been impacted due to stress, how you're trying every personal development thing you read and nothing is working, and how you're just so damn tired.

It's time to do ONE THING AT A TIME.
(At least sometimes.)

It's hard. It's not fun. It's not efficient. At first.

Look, I'm nowhere near where I need to be (and have been flattened out a couple of times recently as a reminder!), but incrementally, I'm learning the beauty of one.

One screen at a time.
One morning activity at a time.
One conversation at a time.

I'm reminded each day that one thing has a big impact -- and more does not mean better.

I hope this is your reminder too.


Write Your Own Permission Slip: A Real Life Example


Your delight is worth prioritizing