Are you “Quiet Quitting?”

Are you "quiet quitting?” Should you be?

"Quiet Quitting" has been a hot topic in the corporate media channels this week. Here is a great article from NPR and another one from The Washington Post discussing this idea. Depending on where you sit in the organization structure or what work generation you were brought up in, you might feel differently about this idea, but it's not a new one.

"Quiet quitting is in line with a larger reevaluation of how work fits into our lives and not the other way around."

- "What is "quiet quitting" and how it may be a misnomer for setting boundaries at work", Amina Kilpatrick, NPR

We've been talking about this for years. Finally, it has hit the tipping point! 

It's not as simple as setting boundaries. It's also not as complicated as the "end of corporate employee engagement as we know it". (Yes, that was an actual quote from a comment section on LinkedIn...take a breath, my corporate culture friends!)

Maybe you've done your own version of "quiet quitting" over the last few years. Maybe you've stopped checking emails at night. Maybe you leave in the middle of the day to meet your kid as they get off the school bus. Maybe you log in later so you can get your workout in. Fantastic!

Maybe you need to quit more.

Do you need to quit doing what other people expect of you? Do you need to quit saying yes to everything? Do you need to quit being the in passenger seat of your life?

What do you need to quit?

No, seriously. Don't breeze over that question. What do you need to quit? What is rattling around in your brain that you need to resolve, one way or another? What is irritating you right now? Where does life hurt today?  

Can you make one small step to quietly quitting (or loudly quitting, if need be!) today? 
(Hint: The answer is Yes.)

And, heads-up if you are a leader of people...there might be some things you need to quit in order to help your team too. Check out The Washington Post article for ideas.

As you head into the weekend, take a moment to yourself and think about what in your life you need to "quietly quit." You've got this.


Take a deep breath. It's the first day of fall!


About that time I made a big decision for my future self