You’ve got this.
You've got this, .
I know it might not feel like it right now, but you can handle this. Getting the kids back to school, settling in to working from home for the long haul, revising your business plan or contemplating what's next in your career... You've got this.
Here's how I know....
As women, we've always "got this".
I haven't met a woman yet who hasn't been able to figure things out when she makes the time, space, and resources. Sure, you might need a little help, it might be messy, and it certainly won't be perfect, but... You've got this.
If I had to guess, I'd bet that you are doing an amazing job taking care of the people who depend on you... your family, your partner, your co-workers, your neighbors. And also if I had to guess, I'd bet "amazing" isn't the term you'd use for how you are taking care of yourself. True?
Let's change that ... together!
In this recent article from Harvard Business Review, the author presents the this approach to focusing on what is most important (ONE post it note instead of ALL of them!):
Start with that long to-do list. Don’t hold back — mine included more than 50 items.
Now take a clean sheet of paper and write down the one thing from that long list — only one — that you most want to accomplish. If you pick something huge ("Write my next book," say), break it down and pinpoint a task you can complete in one sitting ("Write the first page of the introduction").
Put away your long list and don’t look at it again until you’ve finished your one thing. (Heads-up, this one is the hard one!)
It feels almost like a luxury to only focus on ONE thing, doesn't it? Wow.
Isn't it interesting that focusing on one thing can simultaneously create a sense of space - and of panic? While this might be true for you today, it doesn't have to be.
Take 15 minutes. Focus on one thing. You've got this.