How It's All Connected, For You Too
On Saturday morning, I was sitting on my deck drinking my coffee and it hit me...
This season of life is intricately connected with past seasons.
I had just gotten off of a red-eye flight and a whirlwind couple of weeks of travel and speaking. As I was hitting pause and waiting for the caffeine to kick in, I realized that most of what I had been working on in the last week was connected to one of my favorite seasons of my career. Specifically, it was connected to some of my favorite people from that season.
In the past week, I had the opportunity to:
Share insights on how to create a job you love with a new group of women (Courtesy of my friend Jodie!)
Receive the most amazing shout-out about how I've changed since my corporate career and am living what I love (Thank you Lori!)
Present about the power of building relationships (Yeah, Julie!)
Kick off a women's leadership cohort program for women in payments (Sparked and supported by my friends Rose and Kelly - and more!)
Wrap up a very successful corporate executive team dynamics engagement (Working with my former colleague Tom again!)
When I was considering making the leap to start my own business, one of the things I was most concerned about was losing connection with all of these people that I loved working with...well, if this last week is evidence, it looks like that was an unfounded concern!
I share this because I so often hear something similar from people who want to make a big change. Concern about leaving their team and people they enjoy being around, worry about whether those relationships will last. It's been over 5 years since I worked with any of these people. 5 YEARS. And yet, those relationships mattered -- they still do. Yours will too.
It's so interesting how life goes through these seasons, isn't it?
Sitting there, soaking in the start of fall, I was reminded how beautiful change can be -- and how things we once feared dead are really just preparing to be reborn.