Little things matter.

How is it already December?!

This week I was reminded that the little things matter...sometimes more than the big things. And, that's good news.

Our family was talking about our holiday traditions (frankly, trying to figure out which ones we could squeeze in between work schedules, travel, and finals) and the kids brought up a tradition that surprised me. Holiday napkins for their lunchbox.

When the kids were little, I bought silly Santa or goofy reindeer napkins to make them smile when they opened their lunchboxes (the more obnoxious, the better) -- and I've done it every year. It was just a little thing. In fact, no one had ever even commented on it. Recently, I wondered if they were getting too old for this ... apparently, they are not. They totally called me out that it was already December and I hadn't done it yet!

So, it's time to bring out the silly Santa napkins!

Little things.

This is not a story about doing all the little things, especially not at this time of the year. In fact, it's the opposite. It's about letting go of some of the things we're "supposed to" do (maybe because it's tradition, maybe because our families expect it) and leaning into the little things instead.

What are some little things that bring joy?

  • Lighting a pine-scented candle

  • Red and green M&Ms

  • Moose mugs from the Christmas Vacation movie

  • Trying a new latke recipe

  • Holiday music in the background

  • Peppermint hot chocolate (with a shot of Bailey's!)

  • Serving takeout on the fancy holiday china on a Wednesday night

  • And this list could go on and on...

So, this holiday season, as you're trying to get everything done at work, attend all the holiday concerts, and find the best gifts, check in with the ones you love, ask what little things bring them joy. Make a list for yourself. You might be surprised at what little things you can sprinkle in along the way... and let go of the big "have tos" that suck the fun out of the season.

I'd love to hear what joyful little things you are focusing on this week!


Welcome to 2022.


It’s time to let go.